Getting Started

About Intel SAE

An overview about Intel SAE, and why it is useful for architectural exploration and program analysis research and development.


Setup your Intel SAE kit, install and configure it to work with the WindRiver Simics virtual platform.

Pre-packaged Tools

Watch this video to get an overview of the tools that are already included with the Intel SAE kit and what they can do for you immediately.

Build and Run

Build your first instrumentation tool and use it to collect statistics while your simulation is running.

"Load" a Tool

Ztools must be loaded into the simulation platform to begin program instrumentation, learn how to do that.

"Unload" a Tool

Ztools can be unloaded during simulation, allowing you to stop instrumentation without terminating the simulation.

Multiple Ztools

You can have more than one instrumentation tool actively running at the same time, without interfering with one another.

Checkpoint and Resume

You can save simulation state, shutdown execution and resume execution at another time by taking checkpoints.

Copying Files

Copying files in and out of the simulated guest operating system (OS) is useful during simulations, for instance to load and unload an executable.


Learn to debug a Ztool during the early stages of source code development, using the GNU GDB debugger.


A visual walkthrough through the developer documentation manual, learn how to make the most of it.